Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) hosted a campus dialogue entitled "Building Higher Education and Save Younger Generation from Early Marriage and Drugs".
The event is one of the agenda of the event held by the Population Coalition (KK) namely the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) and National Seminar 2018.
ULM Rector Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi said the issues discussed in the dialogue are crucial in the face of demographic bonuses obtained by Indonesia.
The dialogue presented speakers from various sources, namely Head of National Family Planning Board (BKKBN) Dr Sigit Priohutomo, Chairman of KK dr Sony Harry B Harmadi, Chairman of KK Banjarmasin dr Hj Siti Wasilah, Head of South Kalimantan National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) Brig Gen Drs Nixon Manurung, and as keynote speaker Director General Science Resources Technology and Higher Education Prof Dr Ali Ghufron Mukti.
Opened by the Mayor of Banjarmasin Ibnu Sina, the dialogue discussed the improvement of the quality of the population that must be continuously improved both physically, intellectually, skillfully and socially.
Ali Ghufron Mukti said that universities should develop critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration to be able to compete in Industrial era 4.0.
This fourth generation industrial revolution is marked by the emergence of supercomputers, smart robots, driverless vehicle, genetic editing and the development of neurotechnology that allows humans to further optimize brain function.
"The services of universities should also continue to be improved, both human resources and infrastructure," he explained.