Kotabaru, South Kalimantan 6/9 (AntaranewsKalsel) - One under five years old baby who is suspected of contracting dengue fever in Kotabaru district, South Kalimantan, died.
Acting Head of Kotabaru Health Agency Ernawati on Wednesday said during the period of January-September 2017 there were 24 patients with DHF, one of whom died.
The death case of dengue fever patient occurred on September 4, 2017 to a four years old citizen of Jalan Selokayang, Dirgahayu Village, North Pulaulaut Sub-district.
To anticipate its spreading, the health agency following it up by doing fogging (fumigation).
"We are working with hospitals to report cases of DHF, so we can follow up with countermeasures," she added.
The spread of DHF does not necessarily come from the living environment of the sufferer. But it could be in the school or workplace. Therefore, fogging does not only focus on the environment of dengue cases.
"So today fogging is done at some points, although the case is in Selokayang," said Ernawati.
In addition to countermeasures, Kotabaru Health Office keeps preventive efforts through counseling of clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS).
It is expected that people can understand the ways to prevent mosquitoes carrying dengue virus to proliferate. Namely by implementing 3M or draining and closing the water reservoirs, and burying wasted goods that can be puddles of water.
"If PHBS is not implemented by the community then it will be difficult, but we will not stop giving understanding to the people," she added.