Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - South Kalimantan Health Office is now anticipating the risk of transnational transmission of emerging infectious disease by preparing human resources for district and city health offices through coordination and advocacy meeting.
Acting Head of South Kalimantan Health Office Nurul Ahdani here on Wednesday said that the transmission of emerging infectious diseases has the potential to cause epidemics and even pandemics in a relatively short time.
In and out coming of the diseases, he said, is faster than the incubation period of the disease, so it is very possible that the clinical symptoms of the disease have not been detected, but the disease has already moved to another country.
"Coordination and advocacy like now are the key to maintaining public health at large," he said.
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Today, emerging infectious diseases are important threat to global health security, they can cause extraordinary events (KLB), cause the death of many people, thus they resulting in significant losses.
There are a number of factors that expedite the emergence of new diseases, as infectious agents develop into new ecological form that reach and adapt to new hosts so they can spread more easily.
These factors including urbanization and destruction of natural habitat that cause animal and human to live in close proximity, climate change, and ecosystem changes, changes in reservoir host population or intermediate insect vectors, and genetic mutation of microbes.
As a result, Nurul disclosed, the impact of new disease is difficult to predict but transmission shifts significantly, because humans may have little or no immunity.
In order to anticipate, Nurul said that early preparedness and vigilance is needed to detect emerging infectious diseases through proper risk assessment carried out qualitatively in the form of risk mapping, which has been completed in South Kalimantan Province.
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