Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarbaru Mayor Muhammad Aditya Mufti Ariffin received the 2024 National Alms Agency (Baznas) award handed over by the Baznas Chairman KH Noor Ahmad in Jakarta, Thursday.
Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, who represented President Joko Widodo to open the 2024 Baznas Award event, said that the achievement of zakat was very good and had boosted health, education, and economic facilities.
"The Baznas Award is part of appreciation for outstanding people and a valuable moment for appreciation and motivation for all who contributed to giving zakat, infak, and sedekah (charity)," Yaqut said as quoted from written satement from the Banjarbaru Communication and Informatics Office.
Banjarbaru Mayor Muhammad Aditya Mufti Ariffin received the 2024 national award together with other regional heads, 15 governors, 24 mayors, and 58 regents from all over Indonesia.
Read also: Mayor Aditya receives Swasti Saba Wiwerda award from Health Ministry
He was grateful and thanked the Baznas of the Republic of Indonesia as well as Baznas of Banjarbaru City and all parties who have helped and cared for the management and distribution of zakat or obligatory alms in Kota Idaman (Banjarbaru's nickname).
"We thank all parties and hope that in the future zakat management in Banjarbaru will be better and the distribution will help many people who entitled to it," he said.
The Mayor also invited all element of society, including business actors, to share each other and do good through well-managed and trusworthy zakat collection.
"Insya Allah, zakat collected in Banjarbaru will be managed and distributed with trust by Baznas to those who have the right to receive or are mustahik so it is right on target and useful," he said.
Meanwhile, Baznas had collected Rp33 trillion from muzaki (zakat obligators) throughout Indonesia, and in 2024 it is targeted to receive Rp41 trillion with distribution to various sectors.
The sectors that receive funds from Baznas are education, health, and economic progress with the number of recipients reaching 450 thousand people who have pulled out of poverty line.
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