Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - Regional Secretary of Barito Kuala (Batola), South Kalimantan, H Zulkipli Yadi Noor announced the survey result of Electronic Coomunity Based Nutritionn Recording and Reporting (e-PPGBM) January 2024 that the district's stunting rate stands at 10.39 percent or under the central government target of 14 percent this year.
"Compared with the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), Batola's position was at 33.6 percent," said the Secretary at the Cordination Meeting of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS) and the Batola Stunting Consultation in Banjarmasin as reported on Tuesday.
He pointed out that the e-PPGBM survey is not "apple to apple" with SSGI which is the central government's benchmark.
"However, we don't talk about data anymore, but (we) focus more on what we are doing and making improvement for the future," he said.
Sensitive and specific intervention theories have been understood, but there are still things that need to be strengthened, so that stunting rate reduction in Batola will stand as expected.
"Facing demographic bonus when 70 percent of Indonesia's population where at productive age and Golden Indonesia 2045, spurring all policy makers, including Batola government, to work hard to produce a healthy generation free from stunting," he said.
Related news: Barito Kuala maximizes handling of stunting, extreme poverty
Zulkipli as chairperson of TPPS explained that stunting recap data per sub-district as well as activity budget allocation data of posyandu (integrated health services post) at the village or urban village is closely related to health facilities.
He asked the sub-district level Stunting Reduction Team(TPS) to be more active and increase awareness of handling at posyandu.
He also appreciated the highest weighing achievements of posyandu in Anjir Pasar and Anjir Muara Sub-districts.
Head of Communication and Informatics Office (Diskominfo) Hery Sasmita reported that 387 posyandu cadres have used the 'Lantingku Batola' stunting monitoring app for reporting child examination data.
"Lantingku Batola app is expected to be used in ease of monitoring stunting rates via handphone, so that everyone knows the progress," he said.
Head of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office (DPPKBP3A) Furqan said Batola governent is carrying out stunting consultation in 17 sub-district, from Februari to March 2024, to build a joint agreement and commitment between the Batola government, stakeholders, and the community in efforts to accelerate stunting reduction.
The coordination meeting was also attended by the government's assistants, expert staff, head of offices (SKPD), head of sub-districts, head of puskesmas, head of KUA, Baznas and family planning instructors throughout Batola.
Read also: Banjarmasin successfully frees 426 children from stunting
Read also: Tanah Bumbu govt intensifies B2SA promotion to reduce stunting