Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - The Banjarmasin Port Authority and Harbormaster Office (KSOP) has recorded non-tax revenue (PNBP) of IDR353.9 billion from port in South Kalimantan in November 2023, which is the highest in Indonesia.
“This year's target of PNBP is IDR287.3 billion, and we have surpassed it by 123 percent,” said Head of sailing Safety, Guard and Patrol Division of Banjarmasin KSOP Germas here, Saturday (Nov 4, 2023).
He said all fees from activities at the port are carried out through one door with digital system, thereby avoiding the practice of illegal levies.
“Currently, the realization of the 2023 non-tax revenuehas reched IDR353.9 billion, the highest nationally among 302 pports. This figure is still increasing and we estimate it will reach IDR418 billion by the end of year,” he said.
Germas explained that the Banjarmasin KSOP had made various efforts to increase PNBP, one of which was by changing the mathod of payment at the port using digital system.
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This is in accordance with the central government policy to reduce curropt practices at the ports. The KSOP also launched the "change status of tiung boat to sea boat” in May 2023.
So far, tiung boat, which is known as a large traditional boat, only permitted to do activities on rivers, this has prompted Banjarmasin KSOP to give permitfor tiung boat to change status to sea vessel so they can carry out activities at the port.
In May 2023, Banjarmasin KSOP listed 33 tiung boat to be issued permits in the form of marine vessel certificatges.
Germas said, if tiungs status were not changed it has the potential to reduce the fishermen's income, because they are prohibited from carrying out activities at the port.
In addition to benefit tiung business actors, their presence at the port contributes to local port PNBP income.
Germas is committed to preventing curroption or illegal levies at the area of port to encourage PNBP to continue to increase every year.
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