Batulicin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Farmers in Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan Province, are harvesting 2,207 hectares of paddy fields.
"The current rice harvest is the result of planting in October-March," said Head of the Tanah Bumbu Food Security and Agriculture (DKPP) Hairuddin in Batulicin, Monday.
The average per hectare of rice fields produces 4.1 tons of ice.
With the beginning of harvest season, he said, it is hoped to help stabilize rice prices so that inflation can be controlled.
"Starting in early March, many farmers are harvesting rice and the peak is estimated to be this month," said Hairuddin, accompanied by Head of Food Crops and Horticulture Robby Chandra.
Robby said the estimated rice harvest area in Tanah Bumbu in January 249 ha, February 406 ha, and March 1,552 ha.
The District Government of Tanah Bumbu continues to strive to maintain the availability of food production, especially rice.
Efforts are made with coaching and motivating farmers continue to increase production through planting expansion, increasing cropping index, improving productivity by using superior quality seed varieties, and high productivity.
"Currently the price of dried unhusked rice (GKP) in Tanah Bumbu is IDR5,300-5,500/kg, dry husked rice (GKG) IDR6,500-7,000/kg, and rice price range from IDR13,000- 15,300/kg," Roby expounded.
Read also: South Kalimantan develops floating rice on styrofoam
Read also: NFA seeks to revise unhusked rice price before peak harvest