Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - =Secretary of Kelumpang Selatan Sub-district, Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan Province, Sugeng said that the Pembelacanan Village has a unique eco-tourism potential needs to be developed.
"Pembelacanan Village, which is part of Kelumpang Selatan Sub-district, has a nature tourism potential of mangrove forest with the nature animal of Kalimantan Island proboscis monkey (locally known as bekantan) live in it," said Sugeng in Batulicin, Sunday.
He belives that if the district collaborate with the village government to develop it then it will attract tourists. It will generate revenue for them both.
Other uniqueness of the village it has a productive paddy field in the middle of the village that is considered to be suitable as agro-tourism or tourism activities that involving the use of agricultural land.
The majority of the population are craftmen who craft bags, mats, hats and other products made from grey sedge grass (locally known as purun). While others work as fishermen, shrimp paste and palm sugar producers.
According to the 2009 STPDN graduate, if this.potential is maximized then all lines in the village can contribute to developing their respective economy as well as to increase village and district revenue generated from tourism.
"As a first step, we will coordinate with the village government and related agencies to convey this potential, and we hope to receive support from the local government,"
he said.