Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal (IT) Banjarmasin won the 2021 Green Proper from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry because it considered to obeying to environmental management and community development.
The Green Proper certificate was handed over by South Kalimantan Regional Secretary Roy Rizali representing Governor H Sahbirin Noor to PT Pertamina Banjarmasin representive Ihsan Sanjaya in the Partnership Pogram and Proper Appreciation event at the Novotel Hotel, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (31/3).
Head of South Kalimantan Environment Agency Hanifah explained four priority programs in effort to expeditedevelopment with an environmental prespective in South Kalimantan.
The four priorities are Harmonious Martapura River, Climate Village Program, Sesangga Banua Village Program, and Waste Free Program.
Partnership Program and Proper Appreciation are actually part of the four priorities. She hopes that this activity can attract commitment from business actors.
“Not only mining and oil palm, but other companies as well, including BUMN (SOE) and BUMD (local government-owned enterprises), banking, hospitality, and trade,” she hopes.
Banjarmasin IT Manager Titon Sri Hardian said IT Banjarmasin always protect the environment and can privides benefits to the community through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.
Separately, Area Manager Comm, Rel & CSR of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan Susanto August Satria said that this acheivement cannot be separated from the participation of local government and the community.
“This award is an additional motivation for us in protecting the environment and empowering the community, especially the Pertamina ring 1 area,” he said.
The Green Proper has been obtained by IT Banjarmasin since 2018 to 2021.
The Green rating indicates the company has reached beyond compliance, that it not only obeying the regulation of environment, but also gives add value to the preservation of natural resources, energy conservation, and community development.
Also attending the event were representatives of mining, plantation, banking, BUMN and BUMD.
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