Palembang, S Sumatra (ANTARA) - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has urged the government to issue a policy to encourage the use of mass transportation.
The policy could involve providing affordable transportation and improving feeder mode routes, Sumadi said in Palembang on Thursday, after a meeting with South Sumatra Governor Herman Deru and Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo.
He also sought the provision of an alternative payment method for the public.
"Hopefully, in the coming month, there will be a policy, and it must be ensured that everything goes (well)," he remarked.
He highlighted that the ministry has encouraged the use of mass transportation in Palembang as it is expected to serve as an example for the country.
So far, Palembang is the only city providing the most complete transportation, ranging from Light Rail Transit, buses, public transport cars, and water buses, he noted.
Should this model succeed in Palembang, which can be gauged from increased use, then the central government will apply it in other cities, Sumadi said.
He called for collaboration between the central government and regional governments, as per the President's direction, given that it has been deemed necessary to meet those ends.
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Meanwhile, South Sumatra Governor Herman Deru said that Palembang is known for its comfortable and modern mode of mass transportation.
However, innovation is needed to encourage people to be willing to use it, he added. If not, then the city will experience terrible traffic jams at every rush hour, he said.
"A breakthrough needs to be made, as we all know that the exit access of the Palindra toll road and the Kayuagung Palembang Betung toll road is piled up on Palembang," Deru added.
Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo said that his administration will apply various strategies to increase the use of mass transportation.
As part of one strategy, the city government has begun to examine changes in public transportation routes, adding feeders, to integrating all modes of transportation, including online-based transportation modes, he informed.
The city government also expects the central government to provide a subsidy of Rp25 thousand per person for students to encourage them to use mass transportation, starting February 2022, he said.
"The bus routes that have been started to be served by BRT and feeder services from 8 routes will be collaborated into 5 routes. Hopefully, in early February, the new route connected to the LRT will be implemented," Harnojoyo added.
The effort would increase the usage rate by up to 60 percent, he projected, citing a statement made by the chairman of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI), Prof. Erika Buchari.
Currently, due to the pandemic, the usage rate of the TransMusi Bus transportation mode is only 6.9 percent, he said.
Related news: Minister allocates Rp300 billion to subsidize rate of LRT Palembang