Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Adaro Logistics handed over 4,000 packages of masks and vitamins worth Rp300 million to the Banjarmasin Health Office.
Adaro Logistics's External Relation Andrianto Rezka said that the assistance was aimed to help Banjarmasin in its efforts to cut the spread of COVID-19 in the city, especially for people who were undergoing self-isolation.
“We hope the assistance will benefit for the residents of Banjarmasin City," said Andrian when handed over the assistance on Thursday (August 26, 2021).
It was also as a form of Adaro Group's commitment who from the beginning of the pandemic supporting the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia, especially in the company's operational areas.
Masks assistance was as an effort to invite people to apply discipline with 3M, one of which is wearing a mask.
Andrian said in the mids of the pandemic, the body's immune system must be maintained. For this reason, Adaro provides vitamin support to the residents.
This is part of Adaro's Fighting for Indonesia program together with the Indonesian people to stay strong and become the winner in the face of the pandemic.
Adaro realized that it is impossible to do this alone without synergizing with various parties, one of which is Adaro collaborating with Relawan Anak Bangsa (RAB), a social action movement run by Wahana Artha Foundation with the support of 36 large companies in Indonesia who are also committed to helping the government in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The handover of assistance was attended by the Head of Health Office who is also Chief of the Banjarmasin COVID-19 Task Force Dr. Machli Riyadi, SH, MH.
“We express our gratitude and appreciation for the assistance provided by Adaro because it provides a big benefit for the people who are in self-isolation," said Machli.
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