Amuntai, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - North Hulu Sungai's handicraft from raw materials of water hyacinth now penetrating overseas markets, especially Japan and Germany.
Cornelia Lina Meliasari of YL Handicraft management here in capital of North Hulu Sungai (HSU) on Thursday said the quality of the water hyacinth handicraft products has meet the requirements for export.
Through YL handycraf Yogyakarta, HSU'S water hyacinth products have been marketed abroad in the form of rugs, pillows and box.
Cornelia deplores, in terms of the quantity HSU has not been able to meet orders from abroad. In fact, the number of craftsmen has spread across nine out of 10 sub-districts.
While the quality of this type of craft has been growing rapidly in the last six years. Even supported by abundant raw materials, because about 89 percent of the HSU dominated by wetlands.
Constraints in an effort to increase the number of production lies in the aspect of raw material supply. "The number of craftsmen and raw material is plentiful, but no special groups as a provider or supplier of raw materials," she said.
Head of Industrial Department of HSU Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade and Industry (Dinkuperindag) Agency, Sri Mainor, said it need further socialization so that the community is willing to be a
supplier of raw materials for the artisans.