Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Chairman of Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI) Region XI Kalimantan Professor Udiansyah notified that the Tonggak Equator Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Kalimantan, has won Very Good accreditation.
Profesor Udiansyah in Banjarmasin on Tuesday (Dec 8, 2020) said this success added the long list of quality universities under his guidance.
"I congratulate the Tonggak Equator Polytechnics which has been accredited Very Good, after struggling and working hard to meet the quality improvement requirements on its campus," he said.
Previously, said the professor whose familiarly called Prof Udi, there had been three study programs received A accreditation, namely Public Administation at the Faculty of Social and Politic Sciences of Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya.
Then Public Administation for Master Program, also at the Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya, and the Faculty of Law of Panca Bhakti University (UPB) Pontianak, West Kalimantan.
In 2020, two more private universities in Kalimantan succeeded in improving the quality of their best education, namely the Singkawang College of Teaching and Education (STIKIP Singkawang), West Kalimantan, dan the economic college of STIE Balikpapan. Both were accredited Very Good.
"Now one more college under the guidance of LLDIKTI XI, namely Tonggak Equator Polytechnic also won the Very Good accreditation," he said.
This achievement, Udiansyah said, was very proud for all the colloge academics who had struggled and succeeded in improving the quality of education through accreditation.
According to SI (undergraduate) in Forestry Economics of Mulawarman University, the regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) No.1 of 2020 Article 1 Number 8 states that there has been a change in the term of higher education accreditation rating from previously A,B and C to Excellent, Very Good, Good, and Not Accredated (for those who do not meet the requirements).
"The status of campus accreditation has now changed, no longer using the word A,B and C, but Excellent, Very Good, Good," he said.
The question is whether excellent accreditation is the same as accreditation A, and Very Good is the same as B, the answer is not at all.
According to the professor who was born in Kotabaru, universities that have received B accreditation to be able to get Very Good accreditation must fulfill several additional requirements as stipulated.
"So the status of Very Good accreditation is above the B accreditation," he said.
Support private universities
LLDIKTI Region XI Kalimantan continues to encourage study programs and private universities to win better accreditation ratings.
According to Prof Udiansyah, accreditation is a picture of the quality of higher education has been determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, so the effort to improve the quality of private universities in Kalimantan is important.
"LLDIKTI has the task of facilitating efforts to improve the quality of private universities, and its measure is by increasing the accreditation rankings," he said.
The doctoral alumnus of University of the Philippines Los Banos said that increasing accreditation is not an easy job. It needs hard work, as BAN-PT is serious in an effort to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia.
Universities have to go through stages to get the accreditation stages as determined.
"To support private universities to improve their quality of education, we have conducted technical guidance for several timesas an effort to support them to propose accreditation or to be re-accredited," he said.
Previously, LLDIKTI Region XI Kalimantan facilitated accreditation for private universities in Kalimantan. "This facilitation is to accelerate the quality improvement," he said.
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