Barabai, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Being far in the interior of the island of Kalimantan did not shake Dr. Ismawati in serving the participants of the Indonesia Health Card-Health Insurance Indonesia (JKN-KIS).
In the Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan, Dr. Ismawati is a partner of the BPJS Kesehatan for the first-level health facilities (FKTP) of Independent Practitioners, which serves around 3,000 JKN-KIS participants.
Last Thursday (8/15), Dr. Ismawati's performance was appreciated as the role model of the Best Independent Practitioner in Indonesia serving participants of the state-funded National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS), in the BPJS Kesehatan Award event.
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The performance of Dr. Ismawati was very good seen from the achievements of the contact numbers with participants which reached 217 per mile. This means that 217 out of 1,000 participants made contact with Dr. Ismawati, both participants received curative health services and preventive and rehabilitative promotion.
The non-specialist referral ratio performance is 0%, the ratio of participants to the Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) visits by 79%, so the achievement of the total referral ratio is only 9% (June 2019). This means that most health services are effectively completed without being referred to a hospital.
In terms of compliance, dr. Ismawati pointed out that she had fulfilled 96 percent of the requirements set by the regulation, one of which was the completeness of the Practice License (SIP).
Dr. Ismawati has also achieved a WTA (KESSAN) score of more than 85, and has carried out a referral program. Dr. Ismawati has also used a queuing system to improve services to participants.
"The presence of the JKN-KIS Program has spurred health facilities in Indonesia to continue to develop and improve service quality," said Director of BPJS Kesehatan Fachmi Idris when visiting Dr Ismawati's location in Balangan Regency, Saturday (31/8).
He highly appreciated the enthusiasm of Dr. Ismawati who has consistently provided the best service and made it easier for JKN-KIS patients to access health services. He also hopes this can be an inspiration for other health facilities.
During the visit of the Director of the Health BPJS, Chair of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) was also attended.