Banjarbaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Ministry of National Development Planning and the National Development Planning Board (PPN/Bappenas) has drafted two scenarios for the transfer of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to the new state capital which has been confirmed to be located on the island of Borneo or Kalimantan.
"The transfer of ASN requires big preparation, so two scenarios are prepared," said Regional Development Deputy of the PPN/Bappenas Ministry Rudy S Prawiradinata in Banjarbaru, Monday, at the National Dialogue on the Transfer of State Capital with the theme "Towards the Future Capital: Smart, Green, Beautiful, and Sustainable ".
The first scenario, he remarked, if moving the entire ASN, executive, legislative, and judiciary with a total of 1.5 million people, 40,000 hectares of land are needed.
Second, if you move some ASN through a right-sizing scheme with around 870 thousand people, it is estimated that 30 thousand hectares of land are needed.
"From the two scenarios above, the first scenario requires Rp.466 trillion in funds, while the second scenario requires a budget of Rp323 trillion," he pointed out before the audience.
Regarding the environmental aspect, Rudy said, the big theme of the relocation of the new capital, the state capital is forest city, no longer building city parks but designed as a green city.
"We want to ensure Kalimantan is the lungs of the world. At present, only one city in the world claims forest city, namely London. Initially it was not a green city, but it was designed and developed to become a forest city," he said.
Read also: Governor confident South Kalimantan will be state capital
Minister of Environment for the period of 2009-2011 Gusti Muhammad Hatta, who was one of the resource persons for the dialogue, said that South Kalimantan had met the criteria for environmental aspects.
"Speaking about the environment, there are keywords that cannot be separated, namely the carrying capacity and capacity. If Jakarta, its carrying capacity and capacity are low, but if Kalimantan is still good," he said.
But what still has to be a concern is the forest and land fires that occur almost every year, seriousness of all parties are needed and proactive and preventive activities.
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Regarding social and cultural aspects, resource persons from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics at Lambung Mangkurat University, Taufik Arbain, examined three aspects, demographic, sociology and anthropology.
"If the capital moves to South Kalimantan, then there will be 1.5 million residents to inhabit the new capital plus 4.2 million residents of South Kalimantan, then total is 5.7 million people," he said.
Meanwhile ULM Rector Sutarto Hadi explained that ULM which is separated at five locations would occupy a new location in the new capital in 2025 so that quality human resources had to be prepared.
Human capital is a central issue in the transfer of the capital and the people of South Kalimantan are people who have high resilience and the entire ULM community is ready to prepare these resources.