Rantau, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - South Tapin Sub-District Police (Polsek) conducted a social service by rehabilitating a poor home of grandma Hamdanah, an old resident of Suato Tatakan Village RT 06, in the series of the 73rd anniversary of Bhayangkara.
The home surgery involved the team from the sub-district, the military (Koramil), and the community, was led by the South Tapin Police Chief First Insp (Iptu) Singgih Aditya Utama.
"Through this activity, the Police wants to protect the community aside from crime, as well as (to help) in social matters," he said.
The police chief explained that grandma Hamdanah lived in a house with a size of 4x4 square meters. She was 80 year old and is now sick.
"Her economic condition is very worrying, just to eat, expect a helping hand from the neighbors," he said.
In addition to doing home surgery, South Tapin Police provided basic needs for daily needs to Grandma Hamdanah.
Grandma Hamdanah said that she was very grateful to all the parties who had helped her.