Sitria Maulida, who just earned a bachelor's degree in management from IPB University, won the best recipient of PT Adaro Indonesia regional delegation scholarship (BUD) batch of 2019.
The alumnus of SMA Negeri 1 Paringin, Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan, with many achievements while studying at IPB, was named first winner at the inauguration and release ceremony for Adaro's BUD recipients at Novotel Banjarbaru, Tuesday.
Sitria, after receiving the award plaque and prize from Adaro, acknowledged that being able to study outside Kalimantan with the support of Adaro scholarship was a very valuable opportunity.
Not just free tuiton and other facilities, she gained a lot of experience from being a BUD recipient.
"While i was a scholarship recipient, I was able to partake in many organizational activities, competitions and useful experiences while studying at IPB University," said Sitria.
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For her, the Adaro program to build a superior generation for the country through BUD at IPB University and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta is a jariyah charity for the coal company.
The daughter of H Jafar (late) and Hj Sariyati successfully completed her study at the IPB University's Economics and Management Faculty for four years from 2019 to 2023.
Her academic abilities have been quite outstanding since she was in high school and she had the opportunity to take part in the selection for potential Adaro BUD recipient students at the district level.
Sitria went through the selection stages smoothly, starting from academic tests, psycho-tests to interviews.
"Those of us who passed the selection had their report cards sent to IPB University to determine whether we were worthy or not," she recounted.
And the result, the 1st winner of Scientific Wrtiting Competition & Best Presentation Festival Economics Competition at Bangka Belitung University was chosen as BUD recipient for class of 2019 majoring in management at Economics and Management Faculty of IPB University.
All kinds of college needs, from tuition fee, pocket money, housing to research cost were supported by Adaro.
Not only supporting funding, Adaro also routinely monitors and evaluates BUD recipients while studying at IPB University and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
Meanwhile, Muhamad Ihsanul Fikri from Barito Kuala Regency, who studied agribusiness, class of 2019, won the second best and the thrid best received by Umi Afiva, an environmental technology student at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, from Tabalong Regency.
Fikri and Umi also showed similar proud achievements to Sitria during their education at IPB University and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024
The alumnus of SMA Negeri 1 Paringin, Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan, with many achievements while studying at IPB, was named first winner at the inauguration and release ceremony for Adaro's BUD recipients at Novotel Banjarbaru, Tuesday.
Sitria, after receiving the award plaque and prize from Adaro, acknowledged that being able to study outside Kalimantan with the support of Adaro scholarship was a very valuable opportunity.
Not just free tuiton and other facilities, she gained a lot of experience from being a BUD recipient.
"While i was a scholarship recipient, I was able to partake in many organizational activities, competitions and useful experiences while studying at IPB University," said Sitria.
Read also: Nine Tabalong's new MSMEs selected to be assisted by Adaro
Read also: Adaro-IPB educate santri on fish business
For her, the Adaro program to build a superior generation for the country through BUD at IPB University and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta is a jariyah charity for the coal company.
The daughter of H Jafar (late) and Hj Sariyati successfully completed her study at the IPB University's Economics and Management Faculty for four years from 2019 to 2023.
Her academic abilities have been quite outstanding since she was in high school and she had the opportunity to take part in the selection for potential Adaro BUD recipient students at the district level.
Sitria went through the selection stages smoothly, starting from academic tests, psycho-tests to interviews.
"Those of us who passed the selection had their report cards sent to IPB University to determine whether we were worthy or not," she recounted.
And the result, the 1st winner of Scientific Wrtiting Competition & Best Presentation Festival Economics Competition at Bangka Belitung University was chosen as BUD recipient for class of 2019 majoring in management at Economics and Management Faculty of IPB University.
All kinds of college needs, from tuition fee, pocket money, housing to research cost were supported by Adaro.
Not only supporting funding, Adaro also routinely monitors and evaluates BUD recipients while studying at IPB University and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
Meanwhile, Muhamad Ihsanul Fikri from Barito Kuala Regency, who studied agribusiness, class of 2019, won the second best and the thrid best received by Umi Afiva, an environmental technology student at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, from Tabalong Regency.
Fikri and Umi also showed similar proud achievements to Sitria during their education at IPB University and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
Read also: Adaro-Tabalong govt collaboration contributes to reduce stunting
Read also: YABN-Self Learning Institute conserve bamboo at Al Islam boarding school
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024