The number of developed villages in South Kalimantan has increased significantly by almost 200 percent based on the 2023 Village Developing Index (IDM), Head of the provice Village and Community Empowerment Office Faried Fakhmansyah informed.
"The number of developed villages rose significantly by almost 200 percent. In early 2023, South Kalimantan recorded only 398 developed villages. The latest is 678 developing villages became developed villages to bring the total to 1.074 villages in (early) 2024)," he said in Banjarbaru, Wednesday.
Faried said that the number of independent villages also increased to 294 compared 28 villages last year.
The provincial government, in accordance with the instruction of Governor Sahbirin Noor, continues to strive to increase the status of developing villages into developed and independent. He said there are still 501 villages with developing status.
"And there are still two villages in our province that have underdeveloped status, and the very underdeveloped no longer exist," said Faried.
A developed villages is a village that has potential and is capable managing its social, economic, and environmental resources to overcome poverty and to improve people's welfare.
For almost two years of leadership the province's Village Developing Index (IDM) has increased from 0.64 to 0.74.
"So during almost two years of government in South Kalimantan, its IDM has changed from developing to progressing on par with the provincial IDM in Java," said Faried.
He said the office keep on striving that in the future to further increase the number of independent villages and eliminate the status of underdeveloped villages as well as continue to provide the best services to the community.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024
"The number of developed villages rose significantly by almost 200 percent. In early 2023, South Kalimantan recorded only 398 developed villages. The latest is 678 developing villages became developed villages to bring the total to 1.074 villages in (early) 2024)," he said in Banjarbaru, Wednesday.
Faried said that the number of independent villages also increased to 294 compared 28 villages last year.
The provincial government, in accordance with the instruction of Governor Sahbirin Noor, continues to strive to increase the status of developing villages into developed and independent. He said there are still 501 villages with developing status.
"And there are still two villages in our province that have underdeveloped status, and the very underdeveloped no longer exist," said Faried.
A developed villages is a village that has potential and is capable managing its social, economic, and environmental resources to overcome poverty and to improve people's welfare.
For almost two years of leadership the province's Village Developing Index (IDM) has increased from 0.64 to 0.74.
"So during almost two years of government in South Kalimantan, its IDM has changed from developing to progressing on par with the provincial IDM in Java," said Faried.
He said the office keep on striving that in the future to further increase the number of independent villages and eliminate the status of underdeveloped villages as well as continue to provide the best services to the community.
Read also: Balangan, Adaro declare stunting free village
Read also: Tanah Bumbu Regent exposes smart fisheries village of "Kampung Patin"
Read also: Kotabaru DPRD appreciates Naval Base opening new Maritime Village
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024