A member of Commission I of the Kotabaru DPRD Rabbiansyah has urged all companies in the district to promptly pay fully and not to delay Eid allowance (THR) to their employees.
"Based on Manpower Ministry's Circular No. M/1/HK.04/IV/2022 that is regulated the disbursement of religious holiday allowance for employees in 2022, it is instructed employers to pay the allowance in full according to prevailing laws. This must be realized," Rabbiansyah emphasized here on Monday.
He said that as a member of the commission he really asserted that companies should immediately pay Eid allowance, and not to pay it in installments.
THR is workers right and an obligation to the company, especially this year when the economic situation is startng to improve.
"The company is not allowed to pay THR in installment. One month salary for those who have worked over at east 12 months. Those have worked less than 12 months will receive the allowance proportional to their work period," he expounded.
THR is not only eligible for permanent workers (PKWTT/SKU), but also for workers with PKWT status, contract, outsourcing, and casual daily workers (BHL). Thus, employers do not narrow the scope of THR recipients.
"Payment of THR by the company is at least 7 days before Eid al-Fitr," said Rabbiansyah.
Companies who do not comply with THR payment, in accordanc with Article 78 of Government Regulation (PP) No. 36 of 2021 concerning wages, may be subject to admnistrative sanction in the form of written warnings, restriction on business activities, temporary suspension of part or all production equipment and freezing of business activities.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022
"Based on Manpower Ministry's Circular No. M/1/HK.04/IV/2022 that is regulated the disbursement of religious holiday allowance for employees in 2022, it is instructed employers to pay the allowance in full according to prevailing laws. This must be realized," Rabbiansyah emphasized here on Monday.
He said that as a member of the commission he really asserted that companies should immediately pay Eid allowance, and not to pay it in installments.
THR is workers right and an obligation to the company, especially this year when the economic situation is startng to improve.
"The company is not allowed to pay THR in installment. One month salary for those who have worked over at east 12 months. Those have worked less than 12 months will receive the allowance proportional to their work period," he expounded.
THR is not only eligible for permanent workers (PKWTT/SKU), but also for workers with PKWT status, contract, outsourcing, and casual daily workers (BHL). Thus, employers do not narrow the scope of THR recipients.
"Payment of THR by the company is at least 7 days before Eid al-Fitr," said Rabbiansyah.
Companies who do not comply with THR payment, in accordanc with Article 78 of Government Regulation (PP) No. 36 of 2021 concerning wages, may be subject to admnistrative sanction in the form of written warnings, restriction on business activities, temporary suspension of part or all production equipment and freezing of business activities.
Read also: Kotabaru receives three 2022 Top BUMD Awards
Read also: Indocement plants trees on Earth Day
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022