Tabalong government spokesman for the Acceleration Handling of COVID-19 Task Force Taufiqurrahman Hamdie said as many as 190 patients had recovered from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
"Today there is an addition of two patients recover bringing the total to 190," Taufik said in Tanjung, Wednesday, adding that th two patients came from two sub-districts.
Then, there are 13 confirmed positive patients who have been 10 days undergoing isolation and are expected to increase the number of recovery in the district.
Taufik reminded, even though the number of patients recovering from COVID-19 continued to increase, but people should remain alert for the pandemic by applying health protocol to prevent transmission.
Whereas corona cases in Tabalong District is quite high with the number of confirmed positive patients reached 228.
As of today, there was an increase of positive case by 15.
In the Benua Enam (the six districts area of upstream in South Kalimantan), Tabalong occupies the third positiion of corona positive case after Balangan (273 cases) and South Hulu Sungai (255 cases).
While Norrth Hulu Sungai, which is a neighbor of Tabalong, recorded 266 positive case and Tapin was the lower with 196 cases.
Baca juga: SMKN 1 Tanjung provides masks and PPE in the mid of pandemic
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
"Today there is an addition of two patients recover bringing the total to 190," Taufik said in Tanjung, Wednesday, adding that th two patients came from two sub-districts.
Then, there are 13 confirmed positive patients who have been 10 days undergoing isolation and are expected to increase the number of recovery in the district.
Taufik reminded, even though the number of patients recovering from COVID-19 continued to increase, but people should remain alert for the pandemic by applying health protocol to prevent transmission.
Whereas corona cases in Tabalong District is quite high with the number of confirmed positive patients reached 228.
As of today, there was an increase of positive case by 15.
In the Benua Enam (the six districts area of upstream in South Kalimantan), Tabalong occupies the third positiion of corona positive case after Balangan (273 cases) and South Hulu Sungai (255 cases).
While Norrth Hulu Sungai, which is a neighbor of Tabalong, recorded 266 positive case and Tapin was the lower with 196 cases.
Baca juga: SMKN 1 Tanjung provides masks and PPE in the mid of pandemic
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020