As many as 169 national researchers from various institutions and agencies gathered in the 2019 Wetland National Seminar which discussed a sustainable optimization of wetlands organized by the University of Lambung Mangkurat's Research and Community Service Center (LPPM-ULM) in Banjarbaru, Thursday.
"All gather to exchange ideas, to communicate and share knowledge, especially related to wetlands development. So, all the participants' results of research are expected to emerge for scientific development and to be applied in the community," ULM Deputy Rector II for General and Financial Affairs Dr Achmad Syamsu Hidayat remarked when opening the event.
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It is, he pointed out, in acccordance with ULM's vision to be the leading and competitive university in the wetlands area. The largest and the oldest university in Kalimantan aspires in 2027 to become the preeminent center of wetlands in the Asia Pacific.
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The seminar, which themed "Optimizing the Leading Potential in Wetlands Sustainable Development", presented three main speakers, namely Prof Dr Ir Siti Herlinda (Head of center for Research on Sub-Optimal Land Development at Sriwijaya University), Dr Bandung Sahari, a researcher from the Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (GAPKI), and Dr Totok Wianto, Head of ULM's Technology Incubator.
The topics of paper study included agriculture and food security, health and medicine, biodiversity and biotechnology, conservation of natural and environment resources, new and renewable energy, law and policy, social, economics, arts and culture, education and learning.
"The enthusiasm of participants was very high to attend this scientific forum to reach 169 peeople, including 130 oral speakers, 6 poster presenters, and 33 non-speakers," said chairwoman of the committee Dr Leila Ariyani Sofia.
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Participants and speakers came from ULM, Andalas University, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Palangkaraya University, Sari Mulia University, Achmad Yani Banjarmasin University, Research and development Center for Environment and Forestry Aek Nauli, State Polytechnic Indramayu, Malinau Polytechnic North Kalimantan, Health Polytechnic Banjarmasin, STIS Statistics Polytechnic, Jambi University, and PT Astra Agro Lestari.
"This is the fifth event which started since 2015 to accomodate writings and thoughts based of research results of lecturers and researchers who have high interest in the study of wetlands environment," Leila said.
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Meanwhile Head of LPPM ULM Prof Dr Ir H Danang Biyatmoko revealed, Indonesia has a very large potential of wetlands. In South Kalimantan alone it reached 382.272 hectare from a total area of 37.531 square kilometer.
Baca juga: ULM holds int'l seminar to support Banjarmasin toward smart city
Danang said, the success of optimizing the potential of wetlands would have significant impact of the prosperity and equity of the people.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
"All gather to exchange ideas, to communicate and share knowledge, especially related to wetlands development. So, all the participants' results of research are expected to emerge for scientific development and to be applied in the community," ULM Deputy Rector II for General and Financial Affairs Dr Achmad Syamsu Hidayat remarked when opening the event.
Read also: S Kalimantan Governor meets President to discuss Syamsuddin Noor Airport inauguration
It is, he pointed out, in acccordance with ULM's vision to be the leading and competitive university in the wetlands area. The largest and the oldest university in Kalimantan aspires in 2027 to become the preeminent center of wetlands in the Asia Pacific.
Read also: ULM partners bloggers to promote campus
Read also: ULM Rector in England to sign MoU with University of Cambridge
The seminar, which themed "Optimizing the Leading Potential in Wetlands Sustainable Development", presented three main speakers, namely Prof Dr Ir Siti Herlinda (Head of center for Research on Sub-Optimal Land Development at Sriwijaya University), Dr Bandung Sahari, a researcher from the Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (GAPKI), and Dr Totok Wianto, Head of ULM's Technology Incubator.
The topics of paper study included agriculture and food security, health and medicine, biodiversity and biotechnology, conservation of natural and environment resources, new and renewable energy, law and policy, social, economics, arts and culture, education and learning.
"The enthusiasm of participants was very high to attend this scientific forum to reach 169 peeople, including 130 oral speakers, 6 poster presenters, and 33 non-speakers," said chairwoman of the committee Dr Leila Ariyani Sofia.
Read also: ULM supports movement to rescue Indonesian natural resources from corruption
Participants and speakers came from ULM, Andalas University, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Palangkaraya University, Sari Mulia University, Achmad Yani Banjarmasin University, Research and development Center for Environment and Forestry Aek Nauli, State Polytechnic Indramayu, Malinau Polytechnic North Kalimantan, Health Polytechnic Banjarmasin, STIS Statistics Polytechnic, Jambi University, and PT Astra Agro Lestari.
"This is the fifth event which started since 2015 to accomodate writings and thoughts based of research results of lecturers and researchers who have high interest in the study of wetlands environment," Leila said.
Read also: ULM rector provides up to IDR500 million for lecturer to be professor
Meanwhile Head of LPPM ULM Prof Dr Ir H Danang Biyatmoko revealed, Indonesia has a very large potential of wetlands. In South Kalimantan alone it reached 382.272 hectare from a total area of 37.531 square kilometer.
Baca juga: ULM holds int'l seminar to support Banjarmasin toward smart city
Danang said, the success of optimizing the potential of wetlands would have significant impact of the prosperity and equity of the people.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019