Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of the South Kalimantan Regional Police conducted a SIM (driver's license) simulator test to participants of the Banjarbakula's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) driver selection, until they are adept at driving public transportation of a bus.
Head of SIM Section Comr Dese Yulianti in Banjarbaru on Saturday said the tests should be conducted to ensure the capacity and capability of the driver who would later carry many passengers.
"We hope the drivers driving the Banjarbakula's BRT are the drivers of choice who actually passed the test," said Dese at the Driver's License Administrative Organizing Unit (Satpas) on Jalan Ahmad Yani Km 21 Banjarbaru.
Not only for the main driver, the tests must also be carried out by the backup drivers or bus fleet helper navigators. They are also required to be able to operate large-sized public transport.
Dese claimed to strongly support the Banjarbakula's BRT which was rolled out by the South Kalimantan Transportation Agency. This program is considered good for inviting people to switch to mass transportation modes, so that popular healthy transportation echoed by the South Kalimantan Regional Police can also be carried out and become a culture of the community.
Banjarbakula is a metropolitan city development program in South Kalimantan that includes Banjarmasin City, Banjarbaru City, Banjar District, Barito Kuala District, and Tanah Laut District.
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Banjarbakula BRT began operating trials in May 2019 with the initial route of Banjarmasin to Banjarbaru. There are five bus units serving residents by starting at Siring Nol Kilometer Banjarmasin and finishing at Banjarbaru Terminal with round-trip.
For Monday to Thursday, five BRT's buses schedule to depart from Banjarmasin to Banjarbaru. While the opposite route, with six departures.
Special Friday, only four times departures from Banjarmasin and five times from Banjarbaru.
In the future, the Banjarbakula's BRT route will not only cover Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru, but also include Barito Kuala, Banjar, and Tanah Laut.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
Head of SIM Section Comr Dese Yulianti in Banjarbaru on Saturday said the tests should be conducted to ensure the capacity and capability of the driver who would later carry many passengers.
"We hope the drivers driving the Banjarbakula's BRT are the drivers of choice who actually passed the test," said Dese at the Driver's License Administrative Organizing Unit (Satpas) on Jalan Ahmad Yani Km 21 Banjarbaru.
Not only for the main driver, the tests must also be carried out by the backup drivers or bus fleet helper navigators. They are also required to be able to operate large-sized public transport.
Dese claimed to strongly support the Banjarbakula's BRT which was rolled out by the South Kalimantan Transportation Agency. This program is considered good for inviting people to switch to mass transportation modes, so that popular healthy transportation echoed by the South Kalimantan Regional Police can also be carried out and become a culture of the community.
Banjarbakula is a metropolitan city development program in South Kalimantan that includes Banjarmasin City, Banjarbaru City, Banjar District, Barito Kuala District, and Tanah Laut District.
Related news: Dense Haze Polluted Banjarbakula
Related news: BPAM Banjarbakula, PDAM Tanah Laut sign MoU
Banjarbakula BRT began operating trials in May 2019 with the initial route of Banjarmasin to Banjarbaru. There are five bus units serving residents by starting at Siring Nol Kilometer Banjarmasin and finishing at Banjarbaru Terminal with round-trip.
For Monday to Thursday, five BRT's buses schedule to depart from Banjarmasin to Banjarbaru. While the opposite route, with six departures.
Special Friday, only four times departures from Banjarmasin and five times from Banjarbaru.
In the future, the Banjarbakula's BRT route will not only cover Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru, but also include Barito Kuala, Banjar, and Tanah Laut.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019