Martapura, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Women of PKK (Family welfare Movement) cadres in Banjar District were trained about hydroponic vegetable cultivation.
They strongly supported the training provided by the Banjar Food Crops and Horticulture Agency in collaboration with the PKK District Mobilization Team.
Housewives from Martapura Barat and Karang Intan Sub-districts learned the techniques of farming without soil media, use water, and use limited yard.
The district PKK chairwoman Raudathul Wardiyah expected them to practice the knowledge they have got from the training and share it to people around.
"PKK cadres who take part in this training are expected to apply the knowledge gained and share their knowledge with the surrounding community to use a narrow or limited yard," said Raudathul Wardiyah in Mahligai Sultan Adam on Saturday.
Head of the Banjar Food Crop and Horticulture Agency H. Muhammad Fachry said his agency ready to help and guide PKK cadres and other people who wanted to learn how to grow crops using hydroponic techniques.