Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Environmentalist organization Forum Komunitas Hijau (FKH) Sanggam Balangan appeal to the government and the community to return to nature to avoid floods that almost every year hit the district.
"We are very sad when the floods hit this area. It sign the nature has been damaged. Now it is time for us to rehabilitate our nature," said FKH Sanggam Balangan member Adie while in Banjarmasin on Sunday.
According to him, the frequent flooding in the district due to water infiltration areas has been damaged, until rainwater is no longer able to be absorbed by plants. Eventually rain water continues to pour down and floods occur.
If water catchment is still good, rainwater can be absorbed by the vegetation through its biopori, and enter the soil as reserve water, and will flow in the dry season.
But land damage due to deforestation and other economic activities erosion has finally occurred, the loss of rainwater absorbing biopores, and water has always flowed quickly downstream until floods occur.
Therefore, he said, it is time for each development in Balangan to be oriented towards saving water absorption, by always reforesting, maintaining forests, maintaining the river, and running plantation businesses that are environmentally friendly rather than nonenvironmentally friendly such as oil palm.