Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) -

The expectation sentence that was often made by the Chancellor of the University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) Prof. Dr. H Sutarto Hadi was now really actualized. ULM has now succeeded in creating a history of achieving A accreditation.
"Alhamdulillah (Thank God), today we get news from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) that ULM attained the highest accreditation, namely A accreditation in accordance with the expectations of the people of South Kalimantan and our dream together," said Sutarto, Tuesday (3/19) .
Since its establishment on September 21, 1958, ULM has only been able to achieve B accreditation (good). That situation lasted very long. Even at the beginning of the submission, the higher education only got a C (good enough).
Optimism to achieve A, strongly seen when ULM sent accreditation forms to BAN-PT on September 28, 2018. This was supported by the development of ULM progress which is very significant in all aspects.
"The BAN-PT assessors who conducted field visits on February 25, 2019 saw for themselves how ULM developed rapidly as the establishment of 12 new buildings. Moreover, the solidarity and moral support of alumni and local governments, governors, mayors, and regents on the progress of ULM also became a plus," said Sutarto.
Another plus point is people's recognition that ULM is a favorite university. Every year when open the admission of prospective students, more than 60 thousand scramble to enter. Though ULM can only receive around 10 percent. In fact, ULM students currently come from all over the archipelago, including foreign students from the Philippines.
While the quality of the development of science is also very good. One of them is international publication and ULM is currently ranked 25th in SINTA (Science and Technology Index).
Sutarto pointed out, the most important thing now is how to maintain this momentum in the future to continue to struggle and work harder so that ULM can get international accreditation. The challenges ahead are what must be done.
ULM must continue to move forward, because within the span of 5 years the validity period of ULM accreditation must have at least 6 international accreditation study programs. At present there are 21 study programs with accreditation status A.