Kotabaru, S Kalimantan - Kotabaru Spatial Planning (RTRW) of 2012 - 2032, based on the results of the final review report (PK) submitted by the local Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning Agency, is recommended to be revised.
Regent's Expert Staff for Government H. Akhmad Rivai revealed this when chairing the presentation of the Kotabaru's RTRW Final Report presentation which was attended by the South Kalimantan PUPR Agency, and Kotabaru's Office of Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning
In the event which was also attended by academics from the Muhamadyah University of Banjarmasin, Head of SKPD, and all Subdistrict Head of Kotabaru District, Rivai revealed that this RTRW had been implemented for approximately 7 years.
The review was conducted in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency Number 6/2017 concerning the Procedure for RTRW Reconsideration.
Based on the final recapitulation of the results of the review assessment, the RTRW obtained an average value of 49.3 calculated from the quality aspect with a value of 39.6; conformity aspect to legislation 43.5; and the implementation aspect of spatial utilization 64.8, so that the substance of the Spatial Plan needs to be revised because the average final review value is lower than the standard 85 or poor quality.
The recommendation for the results of the implementation of the RTRW review is determined by the Regent's Decree.