Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Regent of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, H Sayed Jafar invited Muslims to continue to emulate the Messenger of Allah Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wassalam, a role model for Muslims, both in daily life and in worshiping Allah Subhanahu wataala.
"Through this Isra Miraj commemoration, I invite everyone to emulate the life of Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wassalam as a privision of life. In this way it is hoped that our hearts and minds will be clean so that our brotherly relation will remain to be well established," he said here, Friday.
On behalf of the district government, he appreciated the implementation of the commemoration.
"At the end of my term of office, allow me to apologize to all levels of government and people of Kotabaru, if during my leadership there were slips or mistakes, both in work and personal matters," he said.
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The Regent expressed his thanks and appreciation to all levels of government and the people of Kotabaru who have accompanied him during his leadership.
He asked for support and pray from the entire community and government levels of the district for the future of Kotabaru to become more advanced and prosperous region.
Tausiyah dari ulama asal Bangil Pasuruan Jawa Timur Pendiri Pondok Pesantren Darullughah Wadda'wah (Dalwa) DR. KH. Habib Segaf Bin Hasan Bin Ahmad Bahrun.
Tausiyah or religious preach was delivered by a cleric from Bangil Pasuruan, East Java, founder of the Darullughah Wadda'wah (Dalwa) Islamic Boarding School, Dr. KH. Habib Segaf bin Hasan Bin Ahmad Bahrun.
He invited the congregation to deeper understand the meaning of journey of Prophet Muhammad in Isra and Miraj as a form of strengthening sprituality and acts of worship.
The commemoration was attended by the Regent accompanied by Chairwoman of PKK Hj. Fatma Idiana, Forkopimda, the Regional Secretary, Assistants, expert staff, representatives of DPRD speaker, heads of government working units, and the government employees.
Read also: Kotabaru rebuild a mosque caught fire in 1955