Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Bumi Asih Park in Bumi Asih Village, Kelumpang Selatan Subdistrict, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, has been planted with hundreds of fruit trees and woody plants by subdistrict leaders, the Cantung Forest Management Unit (KPH) and the community.
"We planted 200 fruit trees and woody plants," said Head of KPH Cantung Fajar Noor in Kotabaru, Monday.
Tree planting, he said, is a form of increasing community awareness of climate change and to minimize disasters it may cause, especially in the village.
It also to support the tree planting program throughout Indonesia as well as marking the village as the harmonious village (Desa Asri Nusantara) to be commemorated on March 15, 2023.
"This is part of the effort to support the Directorate of Social Culture and Village Environment," he said.
The program will be officially opened by the Vice President and the Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT) Minister of the Republic of Indonesia on March 21, 2023.
Fajar suggested the village park to be surrounded by large trees that make the atmosphere more beautiful and shady. That makes visitors feel more comfortable to linger in the place.
The development of tourist attractions in Bumi Asih Village began since 2019, and now the benefits are starting to be felt by local residents, especially the people of Kelumpang Selatan.
Every week the village park is used as a place for visitors from other village communities, including for family gathering, fishing competitions and art performances.
Visitors are also attracted to come to Bumi Asih Village for photos. They can take selfies in the garden area which is surrounded by natural beauty that looks beautiful and shady.
The village government also built infrastructure, such as roads, village buildings, markets, village reservoirs, street lighting, revitalization of agriculture and plantations, and an empowerment-based economy.
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