Barabai, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Cooking oil prices are still high in Barabai, Central Hulu Sungai (HST), from IDR17,000 to 20,000 per liter, whereas the government has regulated the Hihgest Retail Price (HET) is IDR11,500/liter for bulk cooking oil, IDR13,500 for simple packing, and IDR14,000 for premium.
In response to this, HST government through the Inflation Control Team (TPID) together with Bulog and distributors conducted a sudden inspection to Murakata Market and Karamat Market, Wednesday (16/2).
The inspection was led by Assistant for Economic and Development H Riduan accompanied by Head of Trade Office Drs H Syahruli.
He acknowledged about the high price of cooking oil, even though the government has regulated HET. Among the reason was the stock from distributors were still limited, therefore the team tried to overcome.
"The government is trying to secure the HET, we ask help from the distributors to guard the distribution chain," he said.
Related news: Banjarmasin's Disperindag assures cooking oil price stable
Meanwhile, to the wholesales, the team tried to give them understanding of the current situation by sharing the profit margin.
"Today, we give verbal warning to traders who sell above the normal price. TPID will continue to monitor and put stickers on stores related to the regulated price," he said.
The next, Syahruli asserted, the team will no longer give verbal warning, but written warning on the SOP of the Ministry of Trade.
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