The Resort Police and the District Government of Kotabaru held a coordination meeting in order to improve traffic orde, especially ahead of Eid al-Fitr celebration 1446 Hijriah/2025.
Head of the Kotabaru Police Traffic Unit Denny Maulana Saputra emphasized the importance of operational readiness and personnel profesionalism in maintaining the district security.
"This is part of our efforts to make sure that all the ranks of South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda Kalsel) are ready to face all forms of threat and security disturbances," he said in Kotabaru as reported on Tuesday.
Read also: Kotabaru Police Chief gives Satpol PP personnel an umrah gift
The South Kalimantan Regional Police and its ranks supported by related agencies carry out operation with the code "Intan Security 2025" for 14 days (February 10 to 23, 2025) throughout South Kalimantan regions.
The Harkamtibmas (people's security and order day) Operation prioritizes preemptive and preventive action to increase public sympathy for Traffic Police (Polantas).
The coordination meeting was held to prepare police personnel to face various security and public order challanges in Kotabaru.
The aim is to reduce the number of violation, traffic accidents and fatalities and increase public discipline in traffic.
Through this activity, the Kotabaru Police is expected to continue improving the quality of services to the public and maintain security stability in their respective areas.
The meeting was also attended by related Regional Apparatus Work Units (SKPDs) within the Kotabaru District Government, as well as Kotabaru Police institution.
Read also: Kotabaru Police Chief urges people to be aware of human trafficking
Read also: Indocement, police train students to respond disasters
Editor : Mahdani
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