Tanjung, South Kalimantan 17/3 (AntaranewsKalsel) - The plan to build sports center in Tabalong failed for the second time. As a result, the allocation of funds of Rp7.5 billion can not be absorbed.

According to the Secretary of Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency Rowi Rawatianice the plan is constrained by land price agreement.

"Actually, we've done studies and feasibility for the sports center, but until now the land purchase could not be done," said Rowi in Tanjung Friday.

Although the government involved appraisal team for the procurement of the land, but the landowners set high enough price.

Tabalong government began to allocate Rp7.5 billion fund for the sport center since 2015 but failed, and in 2016 it failed again.

The Polytechnic of University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) actually has carried out the assessment of the land for construction of the sport center by 50 hectares.

The sports center itself is prepared in the framework of the The-tenth South Kalimantan Provincial Sports Week (Porporv) to be held this year in the district.

Eventually, the Tabalong administration just renovate Pembataan Stadium and a number of other sports facilities for the implementation of the tenth Porprov scheduled for 9 September 2017.

Pewarta: Herlina Lasmianti

Editor : Mahdani

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