Banjarmasin recorded 552 intellectual property applications from 2022 to 2023, making the city the highest in South Kalimantan in applying the rights.

"Most of brands and services proposed by MSMEs," said Head of South Kalimantan Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Taufiqurrakhman in Banjarmasin, Thursday (June 20, 2024).

Banjarmasin Mayor Ibnu Sina received South Borneo Intellectual Property Award 2024 for this achievement handed over by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Expert Staff for Economic Lucky Agung Binarto.

Banjarbaru was the second best with 269 applications and Banjar District the third with 122 applications. 

The Ministry also awarded the governments of South Hulu Sungai District, Tapin District, and Tabalong District fir the category of best intellectual property service facilitation.

Tanah Laut State Polytechnic also received the award for its contribution to the establishment of the first “IP Corner” in South Kalimantan.

Taufiqurrakhman said that the awards were a form of appreciation and encouragement for all related parties to continue to improve the quality of service and protection of intellectual property in South Kalimantan.

It is hoped that the spirit of innovation and protection of creative works will increase bringing the positive impact to economic development and creativity in the region.

The awarding was held during Mobile Intellectual Property Clinic 2024 for three days in Banjarmasin.

Read also: Kotabaru Regent receives award from Law and Human Rights Minister
Read also: Banjar govt wins 10th human rights care award
Read also: Tapin wins second best Human Right Care Regency in Indonesia
Read also: Banjarbaru retains Human Rights Care City award


Pewarta: Firman

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024