The Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, won the six best national in Digital Government Award (DGA) 2024 for the category of city government Electronic Based Government System (SPBE).
"We are grateful for achieving this national achievement," said Mayor H Ibnu Sina in a written statement received here on Monday.

The Mayor attended the SPBE Summit 2024 and GovTech Indonesia launch at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday.
President of Indonesia Joko Widodo and State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas also attended the event.
Ibnu Sina said that the award was an appreciation to the efforts the city government of Banjarmasin had made with the support of its residents.

Related news: Banjarmasin wins smart city for innovation in liquid waste
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Especially Banjarmasin Pintar app, which is considered important in providing easy access to public servces since 2021. 

He said this app has helped integrated all public services into Super Apps, so that people can enjoy services easily through one digital platform.
"We already have Banjarmasin Pintar app so that all services are inn one hand, people can enjoy public services, and this year Banjarmasin obtains an award with the highest score of SPBE in the Top 10 in Indonesia, which is ranked 6th," he said.
The SPBE Summit and GovTech Indonesia launch in the Digital Government Award 2024 series showed a real commitment to encourage the integration of government services at the national and regional levels.
Ibnu Sina said that Digital Government Award was the results of monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of SPBE in all government agencies by involving 30 universities with 47 assessment indicators.

Read also: Banjarmasin receives three awards in public service, governance


Pewarta: Sukarli

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024