Mayor of Banjarmasin H Ibnu Sina received the Smart City award from the Communication and Informatics Ministry in Jakarta, Tuesday.
The Mayor, after receiving the award from Informatics Application Director-General Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, was in the category of environment, specifically in the innovation of liquid waste management.  

The ministry considered that it was a remarkable innovation that support the comfort and convenience of the residents of Banjarmasin City in getting the services.

He hopes, after receiving the award, the development program innovation, especially those related to waste management, could be even better.

"This award motivates us to improve our service to the community," he said.

Regarding the implementation of the smart city program,  Banjarmasin has been equipped with Smart City Plaza to serve the need of information and to optimize the existing potential by applying information and communication technology.

The city government since last year has a central command facility for the program at the City Hall. Some of Smart City's apps it has are e-kelurahan, e-perizinan, ayo ke Banjarmasin (which includes Go Kelotok as well as maps of culinary places and tourist attractions).

In addition, CCTV monitoring are at many points in the city whose nickname "the City of Thousand Rivers".

Read also: Banjarbaru wins Smart City award
Read also: Banjar wins smart city award for environment category
Read also: Banjarmasin's vaccination coverage reaches 72 percent


Pewarta: Sukarli

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021