The River-care Community (Melingai) Banjarmasin in collaboration with University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM), under the guidance of the Kalimantan III Banjarmasin Center for River Basin (BWS), presenting the efforts to save water resources at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali.
Chairman of Melingai Mohammad Ary said they carried the message of the National Partnership Movement Water Rescue (GNKPA), which was declared by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in April 2005 to committed to saving water resources.
"Melingai and ULM opened an expo booth at the WWF in Nusa Dua, Bali, starting Monday, May 20, 2024 carrying campaign messages about caring water resources, preserving forest, and land reclamation by planting ecologically and economically valuable trees, including gaharu or agarwood whose leaves alone contain many benefits," he said.
Preserving wetland, he continued, is aim to ensure that swamps, lakes, and rivers continue to store water for the survival of life.
Read also: Melingai and BWS measure river water quality in South and Central Kalimantan
"Aquatic plants in the form of purun (grey sedge grass) represents the sustainability of swamp ecosystem. If this plant becomes extinct, it is sign the swamp ecosystem has been damaged." he pointed out.
Their booth displays various crafts made from purun, such as bakul or baskets, butah (kind of backpack), hats, and jintingan (tote bags).
They also display organic fertilizer products and processed products from agarwood or gaharu, agarwood tea.
Hats, purun baskets, agarwood tea, and eco enzymes are given for free to visitors as a form of campaign to save water resources.
Read also: Banjarmasin wastewater company plants trees to save water
Read also: ULM team installs water purifier for Barito Kuala coastal community
Read also: ULM building collaboration to manage mangrove sustainably
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024
Chairman of Melingai Mohammad Ary said they carried the message of the National Partnership Movement Water Rescue (GNKPA), which was declared by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in April 2005 to committed to saving water resources.
"Melingai and ULM opened an expo booth at the WWF in Nusa Dua, Bali, starting Monday, May 20, 2024 carrying campaign messages about caring water resources, preserving forest, and land reclamation by planting ecologically and economically valuable trees, including gaharu or agarwood whose leaves alone contain many benefits," he said.
Preserving wetland, he continued, is aim to ensure that swamps, lakes, and rivers continue to store water for the survival of life.
Read also: Melingai and BWS measure river water quality in South and Central Kalimantan
"Aquatic plants in the form of purun (grey sedge grass) represents the sustainability of swamp ecosystem. If this plant becomes extinct, it is sign the swamp ecosystem has been damaged." he pointed out.
Their booth displays various crafts made from purun, such as bakul or baskets, butah (kind of backpack), hats, and jintingan (tote bags).
They also display organic fertilizer products and processed products from agarwood or gaharu, agarwood tea.
Hats, purun baskets, agarwood tea, and eco enzymes are given for free to visitors as a form of campaign to save water resources.
Read also: Banjarmasin wastewater company plants trees to save water
Read also: ULM team installs water purifier for Barito Kuala coastal community
Read also: ULM building collaboration to manage mangrove sustainably
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024