The Banjarmasin Education Agency assured that 90 percent of teachers in the city from the level of early childhood education (PAUD), kindergarten (TK), elementary school (SD) to junior high school (SMP) have received COVID-19 vaccine, so they are very ready to carry out face-to-face learning (PTM).

However, the head of the agency Totok Agus Daryanto said that due to the current condition with the implementation of level 4 community activity restriction (PPKM), face-to-face learning is not allowed.

If only the status of PPKM in the City of Banjarmasin could drop to level 3, let alone 2, which allows face-to-face learning amid the pandemic, he said, it is certain that everything is ready, including teachers who have been vaccinated.

"We cannot reach 100 percent, as there are some teachers who were not allowed because of their health, but 90 percent is on average at all levels of education, ," he said here on Friday (August 13, 2021).

Totok said that more than 90 percent of teachers at the state SMP have been vaccinated, around 87 percent at SD, and over 90 percent both at TK and PAUD.

"Bt we only recorded teachers at the state schools, while the private ones are a bit slow in entering the data," he said.

According to Totok, there were about 5,000 teachers at the PAUD, TK, SD, and SMP levels who were previously proposed to be vaccinated. About 90 percent of them had been inoculated.

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Pewarta: Sukarli

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021