Banjarbaru Police Chief Adj Sr Comr (AKBP) Doni Hadi Santoso announced that the city will enforce level IV public activity restriction (PPKM) starting July 26, 2021.
"Please inform the public that Banjarbaru is implementing level IV PPKM starting Monday, July 26, 2021," said the Police Chief at the coordination meeting of the city government with the City Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) and related agencies in Banjarbaru, Saturday.
The meeting was led by Mayor H M Aditya Mufti Arifin together with Deputy Mayor Wartono, Commander of 1006/Banjar Military Command Lt. Col. Inf. Imam M, DPRD Speaker Fadliansyah, and Head of Prosecutor's Office Andri.
While the elements of the city administration attending were Secretary of the City Said Abdullah, heads of a number of related government working units, including heads of Health Agency, Social Agency, Disaster Mitigation Agency, Communication and Informatics Agency, Trade Agency, Satpol PP (Public Order Agency), Transportation Agency, BPKAD, and Youth, Culture, and Tourism Agency.
According to the police chief, the police is supported by TNI personnel, related agencies, and institutions to block the entrance of Banjarbaru to limit public activities during the level IV restriction.
"Four insulating doors will be activated and guarded by the joint personnel, namely in front of Citra City, Liang Anggang towards Pelaihari, in front of Q Mall, and the road at the Bangkal Urban Village, Cempaka," he pointed out.
Anyone who passes the checkpoint at the essential sector should show a letter of duty or permit from his office. While in the non-essential sector no one is allowed to pass.
"That's why we ask companies to prepare cards for every worker in the essential sector so they can pass through the isolation post. If not, they will be asked to return," said the police chief.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
"Please inform the public that Banjarbaru is implementing level IV PPKM starting Monday, July 26, 2021," said the Police Chief at the coordination meeting of the city government with the City Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) and related agencies in Banjarbaru, Saturday.
The meeting was led by Mayor H M Aditya Mufti Arifin together with Deputy Mayor Wartono, Commander of 1006/Banjar Military Command Lt. Col. Inf. Imam M, DPRD Speaker Fadliansyah, and Head of Prosecutor's Office Andri.
While the elements of the city administration attending were Secretary of the City Said Abdullah, heads of a number of related government working units, including heads of Health Agency, Social Agency, Disaster Mitigation Agency, Communication and Informatics Agency, Trade Agency, Satpol PP (Public Order Agency), Transportation Agency, BPKAD, and Youth, Culture, and Tourism Agency.
According to the police chief, the police is supported by TNI personnel, related agencies, and institutions to block the entrance of Banjarbaru to limit public activities during the level IV restriction.
"Four insulating doors will be activated and guarded by the joint personnel, namely in front of Citra City, Liang Anggang towards Pelaihari, in front of Q Mall, and the road at the Bangkal Urban Village, Cempaka," he pointed out.
Anyone who passes the checkpoint at the essential sector should show a letter of duty or permit from his office. While in the non-essential sector no one is allowed to pass.
"That's why we ask companies to prepare cards for every worker in the essential sector so they can pass through the isolation post. If not, they will be asked to return," said the police chief.
Related news: Banjarbaru's level 3 PPKM being evaluated: Mayor
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Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021