Forum Komunitas Hijau (the Green Community Forum/FKH) and Perkumpulan Hijau Daun (the Green Leaf Association/PHD) will collaborate with the Greeneration Foundation (GF) to assist scavengers and janitors.
Romadhini Putri Wulandari, a member of FKH concurrently PHD, who was appointed by GF as the coordinator of the activity in Banjarmasin, said on Tuesday that the action about to take place in the mid or end of September 2020.
Currently, she said, they were organizing a committee involving 10 FKH members, namely Hasan Zainuddin, Murjani, Praptono Zakaria, Subakti, Seri Sugiarti, Nunuki Pebriani, Indera Fahrezha Abdie, Rizky Naufal Farid, Tri Sutrisno Rosyadi, and herself.
They will first sign cooperation with GF, then they take action. During the action, they may be not ten, but involves other FKH and PHD members, said Dhini, Romandhini Putri Walandari's nickname.
A total of 100 scavengers and janitors will receive PPE and basic food packages. Data collectio is being carried out assisted by waste banks.
All the assistance of PPE and staple food are obtained through GF, who also collaborates with the Cocacola Foundation in Jakarta. The local committee only distributes them, Dhini added.
GF is an NGO focusing on utilizing adaptive creative media in changing human behavior to implement Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in Indonesia.
GF initiated, a national online platform that helps stakeholders realizing a Zero Waste Indonesia, and also EcoRanger, a program providing training for rangers from local communities to encourage eco-friendly behavior in prioritized tourist destinations across Indonesia.
GF chose Dhini as coordinator in this area, after their acquaintance in a garbage jamboree in Bali some time ago.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
Romadhini Putri Wulandari, a member of FKH concurrently PHD, who was appointed by GF as the coordinator of the activity in Banjarmasin, said on Tuesday that the action about to take place in the mid or end of September 2020.
Currently, she said, they were organizing a committee involving 10 FKH members, namely Hasan Zainuddin, Murjani, Praptono Zakaria, Subakti, Seri Sugiarti, Nunuki Pebriani, Indera Fahrezha Abdie, Rizky Naufal Farid, Tri Sutrisno Rosyadi, and herself.
They will first sign cooperation with GF, then they take action. During the action, they may be not ten, but involves other FKH and PHD members, said Dhini, Romandhini Putri Walandari's nickname.
A total of 100 scavengers and janitors will receive PPE and basic food packages. Data collectio is being carried out assisted by waste banks.
All the assistance of PPE and staple food are obtained through GF, who also collaborates with the Cocacola Foundation in Jakarta. The local committee only distributes them, Dhini added.
GF is an NGO focusing on utilizing adaptive creative media in changing human behavior to implement Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in Indonesia.
GF initiated, a national online platform that helps stakeholders realizing a Zero Waste Indonesia, and also EcoRanger, a program providing training for rangers from local communities to encourage eco-friendly behavior in prioritized tourist destinations across Indonesia.
GF chose Dhini as coordinator in this area, after their acquaintance in a garbage jamboree in Bali some time ago.
Read also: Minister hopes S Kalimantan farmers to plant hybrid varieties of rice
Read also: South Kalimantan Library helps flower farmers amid the pandemic
Read also: S Kalimantan Environment Agency plants mangrove to save flora and fauna
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020