By Hasan Zainudin
Banjarmasin, 8/5 (Antaranews, South Kalimantan) – Banjarmasin Health Agency ensure poor people in this city they remain free for medical treatment.
"I guarantee people who are less able to seek treatment not to worry, if they can not pay they will be free for medication," said Chief of Health Agency Hj. Diah R Praswati to reporters on Wednesday.
Actually, she said, poor people have to have a Community Health Insurance Card (Jamkesmas) but the number of the card was reduced by the central government. Previously there was 140 thousand holder, but it now left to 90 thousand people.

Actually, there are still Regional Health Insurance (Jamkesda) but the numbers recorded 31 thousand people, so when compared to the population of the city about 700 thousand people means that there are many who do not get the card.

She asserted, the poor do not need to worry because the government still guarantees them free medical treatment, but there has to be a letter of recommendation from chief RT, which approved by chief of village, and head of sub-district.

It has to be done, because medical expenses are taken from the local budget and expenditure (APBD), so there must be accountability with certainty, saids Diah R Praswasti.


Editor : Mahdani

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