Amuntai, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - The Amuntai District Court of Class IIb launched the Integrity Zone Towards Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and the Serving and Clean Bureaucracy Zone (WBBM).
Chief of the Amuntai District Court Budi Winata said Monday that the declaration was expected to build and enhance the commitment of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), especially in the Amuntai District Court to be obedient and upholding the code of ethics and rules.
"Hopefully this declaration will be a motivation for the court staff to obey the rules and code of ethics, avoid corruption in law enforcement efforts," Budi said.
Budi explained, the launching of the WBK zone towards the WBBM began with the promulgation of Law No. 28 of 1999 concerning State Organizers that were clean and free of KKN.
As for WBK, he said, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 52/2014 on the Guidelines for the Development of Integrity Zones Towards WBM and WBBM within government agencies.
The signing was witnessed by the Regent of HSU, the Prosecutor's Office, the Chief of Police, the Commander of the 1001 Amuntai-Balangan District Military Command, the Chair of the Religious Courts and also the Chairperson of the HSU Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).