Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Kotabaru/1004 Military Command (Kodim) evaluated a Free Nutritious Meal (MBG) trial it conducted at two public elementary schools in the district.
"Several things being evaluated are there was no fruit but there was milk. Dringking water and spoon not added. In the distribution, there was school went in the morning, and the other in the afternoon," said Commander (Dandim) of the Kotabaru/1004 Military Command Lt. Col. Inf. Bayu Oktavianto Sudibyo here on Friday.
A total 354 portionss of free nutritious meal that had been prepared were distributed to SDN 3 Semayap and SDN 2 Semayap.
This trial was considered to be close to maximum expectation, such as four healthy and five perfect conditions.
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However, he also acknowledged that there were still some evaluation considering that this was still a trial before launching in February 2025.
His party will make improvements in stages, by adjusting the price per portion, which today is Rp10,000.
By collaborating with Lestari Group, Dandim said that the provider's capacity is able of preparing 3,500 portion per kitchen.
Meanwhile, acting Regional Secretary of Kotabaru Khairul Aswandi said that he fully supported this program.
The district government has budgeted Rp300 miliar for MBG, but technical instruction is still waiting, so the allocated funds are used according to provisions.
Khairul assessed that if the grid price of Rp10,000 per portion does not meet the criteria of four healthy and five perfect, it will be evaluated by reporting to the central government.
The menu distributed today consisted of rice, fried chicken, tir-fried bean, fried tofu, and Indomilk boxed milk.
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