Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, Food Security and Agriculture Office (DKPP) held a coordination meeting in effort to synchronize community proposal for 2025.
"So that proposals for 2025 do not overlap with other policies," said Head of DKKP Saperiani here, Thursday.
The activity aims, she said, are to provide general policy direction and agricultural development program which will be the basis for preparing village and sub-district agricultural and food level program proposals which will be financed by the district, provincial budget (APBD) as well as community special allocation funds.
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"After preparation, the approved proposals will be implemented in accordance with applicable regulations," said Saperiani.
The activity, she continued, was also to follow up Kotabaru Regent direction related to vision and mission of agribusiness, which every year continues to be driven to be better than the previous year.
"We hope the proposals approved in the coordination meeting are truly urgent and pro-community, such as continuing to increase agricultural production and processing as well as improving water system," Saperiani hopes.
The coordination meeting was opened by the Kotabaru Head of DKKP Saperiani and attended by 100 participants consisted of sub-district heads and agricultural counselors throughout Kotabaru.
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