Martapura, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Martapura, South Kalimantan, won Adipura Kirana for a town category in 2016, which is the fifth consecutive times since 2012.
A press release in Friday by Banjar regency Public Relations said the highest award in the field of sanitation and arrangement of the town received the Regent Khalilurrahman in Siak Palace, Riau.
"We thank all parties who worked hard till Martapura won Adipura Kirana," said regent as quoted by Head of Public Relations Rahmadin MY.
Not only Adipura Kirana, Banjar district also received three other appreciation namely Adipura Plaque for Cahaya Kencana (TPA) landfill as the best for the second times.
Then, Adiwiyata Mandiri achieved by State Elementary School (SDN) Jawa 2 Martapura and SDN Indrasari 2 Martapura.
According to Regent, Adipura is not the ultimate goal, what is important is to change the culture and behavior of Banjar Regency society in order to have a clean living patterns.
"We hope the award can be felt throughout people of Banjar district, so that they have a role to maintain environmental hygiene," he said.
On the other hand, the award could also bring benefits and its impact to the whole community of Banjar Regency in both urban and rural areas so that their environment become more clean.
Head of the Environment Agency Farid Soufian was grateful for city cleanliness award achieved in the fifth row.