Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Six villages in Banjar District received the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) from the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry (Kemen-PUPR) 2021.
"100 houses in six villages in Banjar District received assistance from PUPR Ministry this year," said Head of South Kalimantan Housing Provision Work Unit Erpika Ansela Surira ST accompanied by Commitment and Self-Help House Work Plan Officer Wahyono SH ST MH in Lok Buntar Village, Banjar District, Thursday.
The assistance to repair 100 houses for poor residents was distributed to the villages of Lok Buntar, Pematang Panjang, Bincau, Murung Kenanga, Tunggul Irang, and keraton.
In the event, which was attended by the Indonesian House of Representatives member HM Rifqinizami Karsayuda, passbooks were handed over to distribute aid through Bank Mandiri.
"One house received aid fund of Rp20 million to the recipient's account," said Erpika.
The use of the fund is Rp17.5 million for the purchase of materials and Rp2.5 million for construction costs.
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Erpika said that the BSPS program assistance was provided to 13 districts and cities in South Kalimantan. "It is planned that 800 housing units to receive the BSPS 2021 assistance in this province," she said.
The number is less than last year. In 2020 the assistance amounted to 3,550 housing units.
This program, she said, is to make people's houses livable, with the requirement including good sanitation, toilets, and bathrooms.
Head of Banjar Housing and Settlement Akhmad Rizqon said that the BSPS program from Kemen-PUPR was very helpful to the program of slum area eradication in Banjar District.
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