Martapura, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Regent of Banjar for the 2016-2021 period KH Khalilurrahman bin KH Salim Ma'ruf passed away, Sunday morning at about 09.45 WITA (Central Indonesia Time) after being treated for illness.
Information from Head of Banjar Communication, Informatics, and Code Agency Aidil Basith, said the former regent, who is also known as a 75-year-old cleric, had been sick since Thursday (July 22) and was receiving medical treatment.
"He has been sick since Thursday and died this morning at around 09.45 WITA," said Basith through the Head of Media and Information Management for Public Service of the agency M Hamdani.
The body of the deceased was prayed at the Grand Mosque of Al Karomah Martapura to be then buried in the family cemetery in Pekauman Village after Ashar prayer.
Before serving as a regent, he who was familiarly called Guru Khalil was a member of the Indonesia House of Representatives (DPR-RI) and for a long time led the well-known Darussalam Martapura Islamic Boarding School.
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