Pelaihari, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Tanah Laut Forest Management Unit (KPH) together with forest farmer group Sakatalu Berkarya planted tree seedlings at the area of Goa Marmer (Marble Cave) in Sungai Bakar, Bajuin Sub-district.
A member of South Kalimantan DPRD's Commission II Imam Suprastowo and environmentalists Cyber Adventure Indonesia, the initiator of Tree Planting and Fostering Movement also took part, as reported by its member Yamadipati to Antara Kalsel, Sunday.
Head of the Tanah Laut KPH Rahmat Riansyah emphasized the importance of trees and forests as life support. "Human oxygen demand is very dependent on oxygen produced by trees. It will be a bad thing if trees and forest are completely exploited," he pointed out.
"In the past, Kalimantan depended heavily on forest and mining products, gradually the environmental damage could not be controlled. Therefore, tree planting activities are expected to contribute to restoring the environment, especially as a legacy for the future of our children and grandchildren," said Imam Suprastowo.
The trees planted were superior seeds from the Tanah Laut KPH nursery, including durian, mango, and longan. The planting of productive trees is intended later they will be benefited for the local people, especially forest farmer group in Sungai Bakar.
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