Banjarbaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Mayor Banjarbaru Nadjmi Adhani symbolically distributed Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) certificates to hundreds of residents of Guntung Payung Urban Village on Tuesday.
The mayor was accompanied by the Head of the Banjarbaru National Land Agency (BPN Banjarbaru) Ahmad Yanuari, Head of Landasan Ulin Sub-district and Guntung Payung Urban Village Head in the yard of the Urban Village Office.
According to Nadjmi Adhani, PTSL distribution is aimed at assuring legal certainty over land ownership.
"We are grateful and very happy that the residents already have certificates of land rights, so they have legal certainty of ownership of their assets," said the mayor.
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According to him, for some residents, having a land certificate is difficult, and the cost of making it is expensive, but through the PTSL program it becomes easier and free.
The Head of BPN Banjarbaru Ahmad Yanuari said the distributed land certificates numbered 450 out of 900 certificates completed and more could be done next year.
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"PTSL is a national program run by the BPN Banjarbaru and the land registration process is carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia where citizens can get it for free," he said.