The government of Kotabaru held a carnival to celebrate the 79th anniversary of Indonesian Independence, Sunday (August 18, 2024).

Assistant for Government and People's Welfare H Minggu Basuki, who flagged off the carnival, said this is a yearly agenda to enliven the Independence Day.

"The aim is to foster national values and love for the nation and state, as well as providing a momentum for silaturahmi (friendship) to create unity and integrity," he said. 

People from various groups mingled in the carnival with a theme "Eight years of Kotabaru development with the vibrant culture of Archipelago, spirit of independence and struggle". 

Related news: Sayed Jafar leads first Independence Day ceremony in Sebelimbingan
Related news: Kotabaru Secretary visits hospital to mark Independence Day

Many people also attended to watch and participants who received a lot of attention were groups displaying two-wheeled, three wheeled, and four wheeled decorated with various shapes, buildings, ships, and others.

Officials, state civil apparatus (ASN), and non-ASN employees within the district government of Kotabaru were appeared wearing traditional costumes, warrior clothing and others.

Funny faces of kindergarten and primary school children showed off imitating adults by wearing clothes of various professions, farmers, doctors, architechture, government officials, even legislative members, and traditional clothes.

Behind them lined up groups of university, high school and junior school students doing the same as their youngers.

The carnival was also attended by Deputy Regent of Kotabaru Andi Rudi Latif, elements of the district leadership coordination forum (forkopimda), assistants and expert staff of Regent, Chair of TP PKK Kotabaru Hj Fatma Idiana, Chair of DWP Kotabaru, Chair of GOW, SKPD, Head of Pulau Laut Utara Sub-district and Head of Pulau Laut Sigam Sub-district.

Read also: Kotabaru Regent inaugurates a cruise ship mosque


Pewarta: Ahmad Nurahsin Q

Editor : Mahdani

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