The government of Tabalong District, South Kalimantan, has received the regional incentive fund (DID) as a central government aid to develop horticultural villages with a total area of 75 hectares.
Functional Management of Vegetable Genetic Resources and Biopharmaca of the Tabalong Food Security, Fisheries, Food Crops and Horticulture Office Sri Astuty said the assistance was five hectares each for new villages in developing horticulture and 25 hectares for Saradang Village, Haruai Sub-district.
"The 2023 DID is used to develop horticultural villages with a total land of 75 hectares and is only realized this year," Astuti expounded here on Sunday.
The development of horticultural villages with DID 2023 assistance covering Saradang Village, Bongkang Village, Nawin Village, Hayub Village, and Wirang Village.
Read also: Tanah Laut introduces South Kalimantan's horticultural village
Previously, five other villages, Lok Batu, Masingai I, Masingai II, Kembang Kuning, and Catur Karya had received fertilizer and agricultural equipment as assistance in the same program.
They developed hot chili or cayenne pepper, chili, eggplant, cauliflowers and tomatoes.
The regional incentive fund is part of the budget for Transfer to the Regions and Village Funds (TKDD) from state budget (APBN) provided as reward for performance and/or achievements.
In Catur Karya Village, a group of farmers groups, has been developing cauliflowers, tomatoes, and red chili on 20 hectares of land.
One of the farmers, Dwi, said the prices for horticultural crops are quite good, such as cauliflowers Rp24,000 per kg, curly chilies Rp45,000 per kg, and large chilies Rp29,000 per kg.
"Thanks to assistance from the government in the form of seeds and medicine we can develop horticultural crops," said Dwi.
Read also: Tabalong's farmers reap benefit from edamame
Read also: Tabalong farmers develop true seed of shallot
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024
Functional Management of Vegetable Genetic Resources and Biopharmaca of the Tabalong Food Security, Fisheries, Food Crops and Horticulture Office Sri Astuty said the assistance was five hectares each for new villages in developing horticulture and 25 hectares for Saradang Village, Haruai Sub-district.
"The 2023 DID is used to develop horticultural villages with a total land of 75 hectares and is only realized this year," Astuti expounded here on Sunday.
The development of horticultural villages with DID 2023 assistance covering Saradang Village, Bongkang Village, Nawin Village, Hayub Village, and Wirang Village.
Read also: Tanah Laut introduces South Kalimantan's horticultural village
Previously, five other villages, Lok Batu, Masingai I, Masingai II, Kembang Kuning, and Catur Karya had received fertilizer and agricultural equipment as assistance in the same program.
They developed hot chili or cayenne pepper, chili, eggplant, cauliflowers and tomatoes.
The regional incentive fund is part of the budget for Transfer to the Regions and Village Funds (TKDD) from state budget (APBN) provided as reward for performance and/or achievements.
In Catur Karya Village, a group of farmers groups, has been developing cauliflowers, tomatoes, and red chili on 20 hectares of land.
One of the farmers, Dwi, said the prices for horticultural crops are quite good, such as cauliflowers Rp24,000 per kg, curly chilies Rp45,000 per kg, and large chilies Rp29,000 per kg.
"Thanks to assistance from the government in the form of seeds and medicine we can develop horticultural crops," said Dwi.
Read also: Tabalong's farmers reap benefit from edamame
Read also: Tabalong farmers develop true seed of shallot
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024