Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - The South Kalimantan Assembly Council (DPRD)'s Commission III overseeing development and infrastructure intends to revise the regional regulations on mining transport prohibition of using public roads.
"We are preparing an academic paper to revise regulations related to the ban on transport of mining products using public roads," said Chairman of Commission III H Bardiansyah in Banjarmasin on Thursday.
The ban as mentioned in South Kalimantan Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 3 of 2012 is an amendment of Perda No. 3 of 2008 on the use of public roads for transport of mining and big plantations in the province which consists of 13 districts and cities.
The need for revision, according to this senior politician of Golkar Party, because there are many coal transportation via public roads, even loaded beyond endurance/road load, which is a maximum of eight tonnes.
"Violations of Regulation 3/2012 is not just information or reports from the public, but we Commission III who are also in charge of transport and mining and energy watched ourself," said the representative who hold doctoral degree.
Regarding the proposed repeal of Regulation 3/2012, the former head of Education Agency stated, it depends on academic studies later.
"But personally I agree that we defend the Regulation 3/2012. As for the revision is only refinement and guarantors to reduce violations," he replied AntaranewsKalsel.
On a separate occasion the Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) faction Syafruddin H Maming said, he rejected the repeal of Regulation 3/2012 on the proposal.
The repeal of Regulation 3/2012, according to him, meaning the disruption of public transport.
edited by mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2016
"We are preparing an academic paper to revise regulations related to the ban on transport of mining products using public roads," said Chairman of Commission III H Bardiansyah in Banjarmasin on Thursday.
The ban as mentioned in South Kalimantan Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 3 of 2012 is an amendment of Perda No. 3 of 2008 on the use of public roads for transport of mining and big plantations in the province which consists of 13 districts and cities.
The need for revision, according to this senior politician of Golkar Party, because there are many coal transportation via public roads, even loaded beyond endurance/road load, which is a maximum of eight tonnes.
"Violations of Regulation 3/2012 is not just information or reports from the public, but we Commission III who are also in charge of transport and mining and energy watched ourself," said the representative who hold doctoral degree.
Regarding the proposed repeal of Regulation 3/2012, the former head of Education Agency stated, it depends on academic studies later.
"But personally I agree that we defend the Regulation 3/2012. As for the revision is only refinement and guarantors to reduce violations," he replied AntaranewsKalsel.
On a separate occasion the Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) faction Syafruddin H Maming said, he rejected the repeal of Regulation 3/2012 on the proposal.
The repeal of Regulation 3/2012, according to him, meaning the disruption of public transport.
edited by mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2016